
We have created a B to B Marketplace so that our customers can benefit from current deposits and more:

Second-hand products = active offer from today.
Revival products = offer in construction of “repetitive” second-hand products (depending on spare parts stock).
Business lots = new clearance products.
To benefit from a presentation and access to this solution, simply contact your EUROSIT sales representative.

You will find through our application the photos, catalogs and all documents related to the 2 brands of our group: EUROSIT, GENEXCO. This multisupport tool is available online for the tablet, smartphone and laptop devices.

In order to access to our Data sheets, tariffs and certificates, simply send us your request for opening an account.

Our catalogue offers you a comprehensive range of products for everyone's needs

In order to fit best with current social evolutions, EUROSIT trust in a wider and global offer.

pCon.planner: Provides tools to build projects with items (EUROSIT chairs)
It brings complementary functionnalities in the field of interior design.

pCon.basket: Allows the edition of very detailed quotes, Eco-tax management.
pCon.update: Provides OFML datas

Follow us on social networks!

Zone Industrielle Saint-Eloi - BP 11
10, rue Georges Dufaud
58028 Nevers Cedex


9, rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris

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