Qualité at the very heart of conception


The certified test laboratory for our task and visitor chairs

Recognized Integrated laboratory in the heart of the plant and managed by in-house experts, it is equipped with high-performance materials, adapted to :

  • Dimensional tests: our products are suited to 95% of the European population, tests for bodies up to 160kg
  • Security tests (stability, pinch zone,…)
  • Durability and resistance tests
    For example, the standard requirements are simulating the use of a 110kgs body for 5 years. For some products, the simulation goes up to 160kgs or a 3x8h.
  • Several preliminary tests on prototypes during the conception and beforehand of any certification by an approved body

Once the product is finished, it is tested in the laboratory during its lifetime through tests via sample testing. All our testing procedures and tests are recognized by the FCBA (1).

(1) The technologic institut FCBA is an french industrial technical center, in charge of forest sector, cellulose, wood-construction and the furnishings, mandated by the Afnor for the delivery of NF certifications.

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Zone Industrielle Saint-Eloi - BP 11
10, rue Georges Dufaud
58028 Nevers Cedex


9, rue d'Anjou
75008 Paris

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